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So, the mystery has been solved. Jim Groom, a man from the digital knowledge realm who worked side by side with one of his victims. He chased noir cat around the country killing whoever was the legal owner. I can not think of a reason for him doing so, except that he is mentally deranged. I can’t say I have not seen this before with my old police job in Atlanta. A deranged man who is so emotionally involved with something that he goes crazy and kills anything that is involved with it. In most cases it is an old girlfriend but I guess Groom was crazy enough for it to be a cat. I pray for the souls that were killed over a cat, yet I do admit it is a pretty awesome kitty. Not enough to go on a killing spree for though.



Anyway, Jim Groom is the murderer. We found out that a certain wrist band was worn by every single victim which said “4Life”, and with my incredible detective mind I remembered that “4Life” was the logo for DS106 which assured everyone that Groom was the murderer. I’m not saying that without me there is no way the group would have found out Groom was the killer, but I am saying that exactly.



After questioning Groom for a while we slowly got him to crack. We used the good cop bad cop routine except almost everyone was the bad cop. This technique eventually got him to admit that he was the murderer and that he abducted noir cat. I felt so proud for the rest of the agency. I felt like they could one day help me if we decided to become an investigation firm. They would all make a couple of good patawons.


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