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This week we all had to travel out to Bonnieville Kentucky and let me say, I thought Tecolotito was bad but at least there was a view there. There is absolutely nothing in Bonnieville. It’s certainly not the kind of place I would have wanted to spend my last moments.. Unfortunately for Martha Burtis, that was exactly the case. We made our way to the home where she was murdered to start looking into the situation. This town was so small and so unaware that I truly didn’t think we were in too much of a rush to clean up the scene. Seriously though, this place was the middle of NOWHERE! We arrived at the home to find that Burtis had been strangled to death with some rope and stuffed into a large chest in the middle of the room. The weirdest part of the whole scene was that the our client (the murderer) had draped a cloth over the chest that the body was in and placed everything back to its original location. Usually cleaning up and reconstructing the scene was my job?? What gives?!? Oh well.. While we were there we noticed that Burtis’ phone was ringing, we checked it out and noticed that there was a video from some women named Black. The video addressed a missing cat named Noir Cat. Stella put two and two together and realized that Noir Cat must be the cat that has been present at all the murders! At first I didn’t believe it.. I thought, how could a stupid cat have anything to do with multiple murders?? But it makes sense and even I can’t deny it. It will be truly interesting to see how this all plays out

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