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So our days working together on the Noir Not the Father show has officially turned into our new business called No Stain No Problem. I suppose we work together well or something not that I even really care about any of this. Its nice to see ol’ Mick around and working with the rest of them has been alright too I suppose. I’ve mostly been trying to keep to myself and continue enjoying my whiskey

Our first week on the job and we end up getting a phone call from some anonymous caller  hiring us for a clean-up job. We don’t limit our location basis so we ended up all the way out in a small town in Idaho. The job was at a motel and let me tell you, it was like nothing I had ever seen. The place was a complete mess. Everyone responded quickly though and began cleaning up the mess. Being in charge of reconstruction was pretty rough for this one. There was so much blood and the carpet had to be torn out completely! Luckily for the motel owner I was nice enough to hook them up with a new hardwood floor in place of the blood stained carpet. The weirdest thing about the whole situation was the abnormal amount of cat hair present at the scene.. I mean at first glance, it looked like that victim had gotten themselves into a pretty hefty struggle with a cat right before death but it truly is too early to tell. Who knows what is going to come of all this..  

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